Okay, so I am way to high off the Codeine to actually make a video so I thought that blogging about it would be a great idea.
Respect Your Friends
I don't think I can stress that enough. To have a good relationship with your friends you have to be willing and able to understand where your friends are coming from. Sure, you might not agree with what they say about your personality, but respecting what they think about you is a key point in any progressing relationship. Instead of getting mad and letting the anger express how you feel, sit down and try to understand where the other is coming from.
Don't Talk About Friends Behind Their Back
Yes, yes, I know ALL of us have talked about our friends. I wouldn't call it human nature, but it is something that happens during life. Am I encouraging it? Absolutely not. Especially in girls, it's important that we don't let petty little fights consume our entire lives to the point that we feel as if we need to express our anger to another friend. Girls are chatty, and I guarantee you talk about your friend to another...IT WILL BE SPREAD in a matter of hours. I can promise you that. Try to keep your anger inside, or if you can't do that actually TALK to the friend who's pissed you off.
Don't Tell Your Friend's Business
That's just...the rules of Feminism! Mean Girls...anyone? Just Don't. It'll end up BAD. Trust me, I've been there before. I've been on both sides of this argument. When a friend tells you something, it goes in the VAULT. One of my best friends has been living with a secret for years, and to this day I have not said one word about it because I respect her friendship. Now, yes, we have all told a friend's secret and it wasn't cool whatsoever, and we all know what that does...so let's all try to fix it. If someone asks you something, act DUMB...even if you do know... blatantly LIE. It will save your relationship.
Act Like an Old Married Couple
This might sound completely off the chart, but it works. My best friend and I fight all the time. It's so funny because Our parents say we fight like old people. That's where our friendship grows from. Take it old school. Learn everything about your friend. Learn what makes them tick, what pisses them off, what makes them sad. It's just the key to a successful relationship (at least w. my best friend)
I hope all this helps repair or renew a friendship that has been lost or a new friendship that is just now booming.
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